Merino wool is perfect for the luxury baby blankets that we now stock. Super soft, warm and breathable. Perfect for your newborn.
What Blanket is Best for My Newborn?
There are many blankets available made from all manner of fibres. In today’s world of convience, regrettably polyester has come to dominate. No more so in the world of fabrics to wrap your precious one up in.
Polyester is a tempting option for parents. It is a cheap, warm and soft fabric, that can be chucked into the wash regularly. However here are where its advantages end.
A 100% Merino Wool baby blanket, although more expensive, offers exceptional warmth and softness. Unlike polyester, merino wool is also breathable, meaning your baby will be more comfortable. Wool is hygroscopic, meaning that it wicks moisure away from the body and evaporates. As moisture never builds up, nasty odour causing bacteria are surpressed. This means that blankets made of wool, can simply be aired and in doing so – to an extent – self clean.

Furthermore merino wool is a natural fibre, which makes it better for your baby and the environment too. Something your baby will thank you for later! For more about this, read our blog post: ‘Ocean Plastic Pollution – Is Wool the Solution?’
Luxury Baby Blankets With Satin Trim
The luxury John Atkinson baby blankets we stock, are available in two different sizes, for use either in the cot or out in the pram. Elegantly finished with a stain trim, that tonaly matches the neutral coloured blanket. Making these blankets ideal for either a girl or a boy, perfect if you’re buying a blanket as gift and don’t yet know the baby’s gender.
Buy Yours Today
Choose from either the smaller size for your pram, stroller or pushchair, or the larger size for your cot or crib.
For your baby’s pram, stroller or pushchair
115 cm x 90 cm
For your baby’s cot
or crib
150 cm x 115 cm