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Glue Brush



Glue Brush


This glue brush is made with natural fibre hog bristles and is ideal for use to apply glue to surfaces evenly and cleanly

  • Length: 17.5cm
  • Width of bristles: 1cm
  • Made with Natural Hogs hair bristles
  • Perfectly complements our Baize Glue

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Natural Fibre Brush for Glue

This natural fibre brush is an ideal brush to use with our glue for baize.

The short hog hairs allow you to spread glue thinly and cleanly onto surfaces. The bristles are firm enough to spread your glue effectively, but soft enough not to cause damage as you work. This is essential when working with delicate antique veneers.

Additionally, these brushes are excellent at holding onto their bristles, so you never have to contend with loose hairs making their way in between the surfaces that you want to stick. Thanks to the light colour of the bristles, if one should escape, it will blend in.

Better for the Environment

These are quality brushes, which means that they can be used time and time again. Especially when used with our glue, as they can be gently washed with warm water and allowed to dry. Reusable, long-life products are ultimately better for the environment as they make best use of natural resources. Furthermore, each one is made using natural materials – wood, metal and hog’s hair – so at the end of their life they will biodegrade.

  • Length: 17.5cm
  • No.10 medium brush
  • Hog’s hair bristles


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